Comprehensive Evaluations

A comprehensive evaluation is the right choice for parents and individuals wishing to obtain the most complete picture of their own or their child's psychological functioning. These evaluations are designed to take a much more in depth look at the neuropsychological processes underlying the client's functioning across multiple domains in order to create a profile of that person's unique strengths and weaknesses. As such, these evaluations are more time intensive and expensive than other types of evaluations. Domains commonly assessed may include verbal and nonverbal comprehension and reasoning skills, working memory, executive functions and attention, processing speed, verbal and nonverbal memory, language, behavioral and emotional functioning, personality functioning, and academic functioning. Turn around time on these evaluations from intake to feedback session is can be as little as 2 -3 weeks depending on client availability.

Comprehensive evaluations generally consist of:

  1. Intake session including a clinical interview and gathering background information
  2. 1-2 testing sessions
  3. Communicating with collateral sources, if necessary
  4. Feedback session
  5. Report detailing relevant background information, results and analysis of the current evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate recommendations

The full price of a comprehensive evaluation is currently $1800. 50% of the cost is due at the intake session, with the balance paid by the feedback session. Reports cannot be released until the full price of the evaluation has been paid.