
Milestone Neurodevelopment Center was created with the goal of providing better and more comprehensive support for families affected by neurodevelopmental disabilities. After years of experience working with this specific population, as a clinical and as parents, we saw a great need in our community. These families needed providers who were experts in the field, not just any provider. They needed access to a variety of treatment options, teams who collaborated together and to be able to access all the services needed in a central location. We hope, over time, to be able to provide all of the services needed for families affected by ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities in one location with a collaborative team of providers at your service.

Greg Miles, Ph.D – Licensed Psychologist, Clinic Director

Dr. Miles is a licensed psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of ADHD, Autism and Learning disabilities in children, adolescents and adults as well as their related comorbid conditions.

Dr. Miles received his doctorate in 2012 from the University of Utah in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology and minor in School Neuropsychology. He has conducted evaluations and provided individual therapy and consultation in a variety of settings including an outpatient clinic, the public school system, the Pingree School for Children with Autism, and the Utah Autism Research Program. He has nearly two decades of experience working with children and adolescents struggling with neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. Miles has a unique ability to connect with children with ADHD and Autism.

Dr. Miles understands the public school system as well as Special Education Law and is committed to helping parents understand how to work with schools and helping students succeed in the school setting. He also provides parent training on how to deal with behavioral issues commonly associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. He also leads and supervises social skills groups to help kids with neurodevelopmental delays connect to others.

Dr. Miles is married and has three highly active boys and a great dog. He enjoys spending time backpacking and hiking in the outdoors whenever he can. He loves spending with his family, playing board games, reading, and rock climbing. He has many hobbies related to these interests such as collecting and building card decks, printing and painting mini figures and writing, creating and tweaking his favorite board games.

Nicole Miles, MS – Office Manager, Parent Coach, Advocate

Nicole has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Special Education. She spent several years working in special education in Salt Lake School District in a variety of settings. She spent time in elementary and middle school resource as well as a self-contained unit for students with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. After leaving the schools she has been parenting 3 children with ADHD and helping them to navigate the school system.

Over the last few years she has used her years of experience and knowledge to help other parents as a coach. She helps parents to understand ADHD, set up and implement good systems in their home and support parents in navigating the school system and get the supports and services their children need to succeed.

She is now running the office here at Milestone Neurodevelopment Center as well as provided support to families through our parent support group, coaching and educational consulting and advocacy.

Nicole loves hanging out at the skatepark, baseball field and rock climbing gym with her boys. She is their biggest cheerleader. She loves photography, the ocean, Hawaii, Paris and planning future vacations.